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Why do almost all the most profitable and valuable businesses in the world today sell virtual products and services, or serve their customers through virtual channels?

How come businesses like Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple that sell intangible services are more valuable than companies like Boeing (an aircraft maker) and Ford (a car manufacturer)?

Most people don’t realize there is a silent revolution that’s been happening in the business world for more than 20 years now.

In this course, I explain why this shift is happening and the reason I made the big decision to close down my physical consulting business and move everything online in 2014/15.

If you’re new to this industry, many of the things you’ll see in this lesson are going to open your eyes.

What you’ll learn

In this introduction course, you will learn:

  • How the world has moved from physical to virtual since the 1990s.
  • The single most important quality that makes virtual and online businesses immune to most crises and economic shocks
  • Why your business and income needs to be able to survive times of unexpected change and crisis
  • Why I decided to close down my business and move everything online
  • The 7 Big Benefits of owning a virtual, online business (you’ll see some interesting and shocking details here).

LESSON 1: Are You Ready for The Business Revolution That's Already Happening?

LESSON 2: The 7 Major Types of Online (Virtual) Businesses That CONSISTENTLY Make Money

LESSON 3: The 6 Key Steps for Starting & Growing An Online (Virtual) Business That Makes Money

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